ProstaShield® - Nutrition Support For The Prostate

Nutrition Support For The Prostate
by James B. LaValle, R.Ph., C.C.N.


Several natural remedies have emerged with great potential for the therapy of prostate conditions. In particular, scientific studies have found saw palmetto, pygeum, stinging nettles, and essential fatty acids to be beneficial. Prostate health is an issue of increasing concern for men. The statistics are staggering; 1 out of 2 men will have an enlarged prostate between the ages of 40 and 59, and 80% of the men over the age of 70 have enlarged prostates. A benign enlargement of the prostate is, in fact, the most common condition seen by urologists, who each year treat an estimated 400,000 sufferers. In addition, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among American men.

The prostate gland is a walnut sized cluster of muscular and glandular tissue that surrounds the urethra at the base of the male bladder. When it becomes enlarged (a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH), it can pinch off the flow to urinate, especially at night. Other symptoms are difficulty starting urination and inability to void completely. This backup of urine in the bladder is annoying at the very least, but it can also be dangerous. With the backup of urine, the bladder and kidneys can become infected, having potentially serious consequences, such as kidney failure. The causes of BPH are still being determined. However, the most prominent theory is that healthy testosterone is converted by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase to the hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This DHT causes excess growth of prostate tissue by turning on genes that result in cellular growth. Other changes that take place as men age and which may somehow be involved in prostatic enlargement are increasing levels of other hormones such as luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and prolactin. A recent study also suggests that increased levels of estrogen in men may be linked to the development of BPH. [1]

Prostate enlargement is a serious matter, not only due to the discomfort it causes or the increased risk of kidney infection, but also due to the fact that increased DHT levels increase one’s risk for porstate cancer. DHT not only turns on genes that result in abnormal cellular growth, it also increases mitochondrial activity in prostate cells, which in turn creates oxidative stress (free radical damage). In addition, it alters the level of cellular glutathione peroxidase, an important free radical neutralizer. [2]

Herbal Extracts for Prostatic Health

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)
Widely used in Europe, saw palmetto’s use for BPH and for chronic nonbacterial prostatitis is well supported by over twenty double blind, placebo controlled studies. Fat-soluble components from the extract of saw palmetto berries, such as sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol, and thought to be the active constituents. However, free fatty acids and long-chain alcohols may also be involved. Saw Palmetto’s mechanism of action is like that of the drug Proscar. It inhibits the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme from converting testosterone to DHT. [3] However, it also reduces the activity of estrogen receptors in the prostatewhich, as was mentioned earlier, have been implicated in prostate enlargement. It also exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on prostate tissues. [4] Clinical trials have shown that Saw Palmetto extract effectively reduces BPH symptoms in 90% of patients within four to six weeks and provides a 38% improvement in urine flow within 3 months. [5] It is important to note that it is the fat-soluble standardized extracts which have been shown to be effective, not the water-soluble preparations or teas. Saw Palmetto should be Standardized to contain 80-90% free fatty acids. The most common dosage is 160 mg taken twice daily. Saw Palmetto has a distinct advantage over synthetic drugs which block 5-alpha-reductase in that it has virtually no side effects. The only side effects reported are gastriccomplaints, and those are very rare. [6]

Pygeum (Pygeum africanum)
Another herbal extract that is commonly used in Europe for men suffering from BPH is pygeum africanum, an extract from the bark of an evergreen tree which grows in Africa. It is known to contain phytosterols, triterpenoids, and long chain alcohols, which apparently exert an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect. However, the exact mechanism of action is not completely understood. [7] Studies have reported pygeum to be effective for improving urinary symptoms; e.g. statistically significant reductions in the number of urinations, more complete bladder emptying and uterine flow. [8,9] Studies have reported occasional G.I. upset as the only side effect. Pygeum should be standardized to contain 14% beta-sitosterol, and the usual dose is 50-100 mg daily. [10]

Stinging Nettle Root (Urtica dioica)
Stinging Nettles Root extracts have been reported by a number of studies to improve symptoms of BPH with no adverse side effects. In addition, it has been reported to enhance the beneficial actions of pygeum africanum in the treatment of BPH. In a double blind study of 63 patients, those who received the combination product versus pygeum alone had improved urinary volumes. [11] It is theorized that the active constituents of stinging nettles have an inhibitory effect on 5-alpha-reductase; however, this is unproven. [12] It is reported that Stinging Nettles extracts inhibit aromatase enzymes involved in the conversion of testosterone to estrogenic compounds. [13] Therefore, stinging nettles may improve symptoms of BPH by modulating the hormonal imbalances associated with the disease. The active compounds in nettles are still being identified. However, it appears that the lectins and polysaccharides are most important for BPH. [14] The most common dose is 250 mg, one to three times daily. [15]

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)
Green tea has long been used in much of the world as a popular beverage and medicinal agent. Green tea is an antioxidant used for the promotion of cardiovascular health. Green tea’s antioxidant effects seem to be dependent on the polyphenol fraction. The inhibitory effects of green tea on carcinogenesis have been investigated using (-) epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) or crude tea extract. [16] Green tea and its major poly-phenolics have been studied to determine if they prevent tumors in experimental animal models. [17] The exact mechanism(s) of any anti-carcinogenic activity remains to be found, but green tea is claimed to inhibit prostate cancer cell growth and kill prostate cancer cells.

Nutritional Supplements for Prostatic Health

A number of nutrients are known to be important for prostate health. Zinc, for instance, is a mineral that is contained in prostatic tissue in much higher concentrations than in any other tissues in the human body. Adequate zinc levels help to prevent enlargement of the prostate gland, apparently by influencing the activity of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. [18] It has been shown that zinc not only prevents enlargement, but that it also helps shrink a gland that is already swollen. [19]

Essential fatty acids may also be important in the maintenance of prostate health, possibly due to their role in regulating steroid production and hormone synthesis, and their role in regulating the body’s inflammatory responses. One essential fatty acid, gamma linolenic acid, is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. [20] One older study conducted with 19 BPH patients showed that after several weeks of supplementation with an essential fatty acid complex, 12 of the 19 patients no longer had any residual urine. [21]

Pumpkin seed is a rich source of plant sterols. Another dietary compound, lycopene, one of the recently identified phytonutrients, is extremely important for prostate health. It was recently reported that persons consuming diets higher in lycopene had significantly lower prostate cancer risks. [22] Lycopene is a free radical scavenger, and therefore provides powerful antioxidant protection for the prostate.

Selenium is another nutrient that has been found to be important for prostate health. A recent study of the trace mineral selenium found that supplementation with 200 mcg per day for a period of 4 years resulted in a 63% lower prostate cancer rate than for those subjects taking a placebo. [23] And finally, Vitamin E has been found to effect a 32% lower prostate cancer rate for those subjects taking 50 mg of vitamin E daily. [24]

Many nutritional and herbal agents are known to have a positive impact on prostate health. Those that are best supported by scientific study, have been combined in Vinco’s ProstaShield®, which has been designed to enhance prostate health. Obviously, anyone experiencing symptoms associated with BPH should seek a proper diagnosis and care plan from their health care provider. Persons who have already been diagnosed with BPH and who wish to use natural agents should work with their healthcare provider in the selection of agents and to monitor their condition. For those who are interested in preventing prostate problems, nutritional support for the prostate can pay off in big benefits for your health.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1. K. Suzuki, et al., “Endocrine Environment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: prostate size and volume are correlated with serum estrogen concentration,” Scand J Urol Nephrol, 29(1) (1995): 65-68.

2. M.O. Ripple, et al., “Prooxidant-antioxidant shift induced by androgen treatment of human prostate carcinoma cells,” J Natl Cancer Inst, (I) (1997): 40-48.

3. C. Sultan, et al., “Inhibition of androgen metabolism and binding by a liosterolic Extract of Serenca repens B in human foreskin fibroblasts” J Steroid Biochem 20 (1984): 515-519.

4. G.L. Plosker and R.N. Brodgden, “Serenoa repens (Permixon): A review of its pharmacology and therapeutic efficacy in benign prostate hyperplasia,” Drugs & Aging 9(5) (1996): 379-395.

5. M.T.Murray, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA 1998.

6. J.A Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, Fl. CRC Press. 1985.

7. M.B. Schaefer. The Natural Way to a Healthy Prostate. New Canaan, CT. Keats Publishing Inc., 1995.

8. J. Balch, “Prostate Health” Alternative Medicine Updates. Marina Del Ray, CA. 1994.

9. M.B. Schaefer. The Natural Way to a Healthy Prostate. New Canaan, CT. Keats Publishing Inc., 1995.

10. J.A Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, Fl. CRC Press. 1985.

11. T. Krezeski, et al., “Combined extracts of Urtica dioica and Pygeum Africanum in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: Double-blind comparison of two doses,”
Clin Therapeut 15 (1993): 1012.

12. M.B. Schaefer. The Natural Way to a Healthy Prostate. New Canaan, CT. Keats Publishing Inc., 1995.

13. T. Krezeski, et al., “Combined extracts of Urtica dioica and Pygeum Africanum in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: Double-blind comparison of two doses,” Clin Therapeut 15 (1993): 1012.

14. H.Wagner, et al., “Search for the antiprostatic principle of stinging nettle (Urtica Dioica) roots,” Phytomedicine 1 (1994): 213-224.

15. J.A Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, Fl. CRC Press. 1985.

16. S.K. Katiyar, et al., “Tea Antioxidants in Cancer Chemoprevention.,” J Cell Biochem Suppl 27 (1997):59-67.

17. R. Agarwal, et al., “Cancer Chemoprevention by Polyphenols in Green Tea and Artichoke,” Adv Exp Med Biol 401 (1996): 35-50.

18. A. Leake, et al., “The effect of zinc on the 5-alpha-reduction of testosterone by the hyperplastic human prostate gland, J Steroid Biochem, 2092 (1984): 651-655.

19. M.S. Fahim MS, et al., “Zinc arginine, a 5 alpha-reduction inhibitor, reduces rat ventral prostate weight and DNA without affectingtesticular function,”Andrologia 25(6) (1993):369-375.

20. A.C. Buck. “Phytotherapy for the prostate,” British J Urol, 78 (1996): 325-326.

21. J.P. Hart and W.L. Cooper, “Vitamin E in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia,” Report Number 1, Foundation for Nutritional Research,Milwaukee, WI. 1941.

22. S.K. Clinton, et al., “Cis-trans lycopene isomers, carotenoids, and retinol in the human prostate,” Cancer Epidemiol Biomakers Prev 5(10) (1996): 823-833.

23. L.C. Clark, et al., “Effect of selenium supplementation for cancer prevention in patients with carcinoma of the skin-A randomized controlled trial,” JAMA 276 (24) (1998): 440-446.

24. O.P. Heinonen, “Prostate, cancer and supplementation with alpha tocopherol and beta carotene: Incidence and mortality in a controlled trial,” J Natl Cancer Inst 90(6) (1998): 440-446.

David Pietron