Melatonin 10mg


Readjusting Our Body’s Circadian Mechanism
If we were to live our lives in buildings of artificial light, ones with no connection to environmental patterns of night and day, our bodies will develop what appears to be normal cycles of wakefulness and sleep. These cycles, occurring at approximate 25 hr. intervals, have been given the term Circadian Rhythms from the latin Circa Diem, meaning about a day.

Take a trip across a few time zones, or begin working the night shift and your body’s circadian rhythm will ‘introduce itself.’ Elements of daily behavior such as lunchtime, or bedtime as well as person’s level of alertness for various tasks will seem strange and awkward to perform. Studies suggest that this occurs due to the fact that the body’s circadian “clock” is not synchronized with its new environments patterns of night and day. Eventually these patterns do reach in and allow the brain to respond in accordance to the outside world; but this takes time. To be effective in combating disorders linked to circadian disfunction, including jet lag, seasonal affective disorder, (due to decreases in the amount of sunlight during the winter months) and sleep disorders such as Phase Delay Sleep Syndrome and insomnia, this internal rate of adjustment can be sped up.

The hormone Melatonin, 5-methoxy-n-acetyl tryptomine, is secreted by the brain’s pineal gland, (but only at night,) and has been called the chemical expression of darkness. Lengthen the night, and melatonin is produced for a longer period. Lengthen the period of light, and diminish the amount of Melatonin production; the level of the hormone presumably tells the body when it’s night time.

This internal rhythm is “entrained” to its owner’s surroundings by the environmental stimulus of light and dark patterns. We receive this information from the eyes, via the optic nerves. As the sun is going down at the end of a normal day, there is less registered light passing through the optic nerves to the brain. As we continue towards darkness, two small clusters of cells called the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei (SCN), located in the Hypothalamus, recognize this transition and trigger the pineal gland to start producing melatonin. Each morning, the reverse takes place. When light is once again detected, the SCN sends the signal to “Turn Off” the pineal gland, and a wake-up message is sent to the brain.

There is evidence that melatonin can produce significant phase advances when administered in the late afternoon and early evening, at doses that will be largely eliminated prior to the subsequent sleep period. This suggests that the improvement in sleep following evening administration is more likely to be related to circadian effects.

Dr. Richard J. Wurtman, professor of Neuroscience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reports that studies show Melatonin, whether secreted by the pineal gland in the brain or given as supplements in small doses, function naturally as a sleep inducing hormone. Exogeneously administered Melatonin can entrain circadian rhythms and can change the phase of the endogenous Melatonin rhythms, alleviate the symptoms of Jet Lag, and facilitate re-entrainment of these clock oriented rhythms. Thus melatonin, administered in lower doses, may modulate the entrainment process in humans and be useful in treating circadian rhythm disorders. Dr. Judith Vaitukaitis, Director of the National Center for Research Resources said the M.I.T. findings offer hope, “For a Natural non-addictive agent that could improve sleep for millions of Americans.”

Disorders and Complications receiving benefit from Melatonin supplementation:
• Insomnia
• Seasonal Affective Disorder
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Photic retinopathy
• Degenerative retinal damage
• Jet Lag
• Alzheimer’s Disease
• Neurotoxic damage
• Ocular hemorrhage
• Phase Delay Sleep Syndrome
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Retrolenticular fibroplasia
• Hypertensive cardiovascular injury

What our product is not...
Not a synthetic: Vinco’s Melatonin is not the creation of some chemical lab. There’s no chance of the disruption in body chemistry that is often linked to the synthetic forms, (because of not being recognized as part of the biochemical machinery of the body; which can lead to possible side effects.) Vinco’s Melatonin has been designed to be recognized as part of the natural framework of the body.

Not a bovine powder: While ground-up pineal products may offer support for glandular tissue, they do not contain the specific, individualized constituents of that gland, and should not be confused with melatonin itself or its effects. Why? Consider this. The pineal gland, unlike other glands, does not have a “storage compartment” where excess melatonin can be found in abundant proportions. The gland is a factory, not a warehouse. While this ground-up gland may be able to aid the factory, don’t expect it to contain the final products.

Could we guess a time when, upon extraction of the pineal gland, we could expect to find melatonin? Maybe. Maybe if we could take out the factory while it’s “turned on.” But this factory operates at night, and seeing how these glandulars are bovine in nature, or in other words a byproduct of the cattle/meat industries, we can understand how unlikely it would be to find worthy levels of melatonin. How many cattle are slaughtered at night?

What our product is...
An organic product born from a manufacturing concept which can guarantee the content of your supplement. Its a process called Fermentation/ Extraction. Similar to the production of wine where natural ingredients are introduced to one another, allowed the time to properly ferment, and then harvested with care, we use a pure vegetable source to deliver a superior melatonin. No synthetics, no cheap gimmicks, just an efficacious product manufactured under the finest quality standards.

Warning: Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. Not to be taken by pregnant or lactating women. Long-term use of Melatonin has not been studied. If you are taking any prescription medication (especially hormone replacement therapy), or have an auto-immune disease or depressive
disorder consult a physician before using this product. Use of this product could cause hypothermia. Do not use before or while operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery.

David PietronMelatonin