Liposomal K2 with D3


Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin naturally found in foods. It is classified in a family of compounds consisting of phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) and menaquinones (Vitamin K2). Menaquinones, or K2, are designated as MK-4 through MK-13, based on the length of their side chain. MK-4 and MK-7
are the two most well studied and beneficial menaquinones to human health.

While most people consume enough vitamin K in their diets to maintain sufficient blood clotting factors, most do not consume enough to meet cardiovascular and bone density health needs. It is estimated that nearly 70% or more of the western population has a vitamin K2 deficiency.
While compromised intestinal absorption can play a factor, many prescription drugs like antibiotics, laxatives, and statins, can heavily contribute
to depletion.

Recent scientific evidence suggests a link between improper calcium supplementation and an increased risk for heart disease due to accelerated deposits of calcium in blood vessel walls and soft tissues [1]. Vitamin K2 optimizes the use of calcium in the body by activating a K-dependent protein, needed to regulate calcium. This regulation is necessary to inhibit accumulation and calcification in the arterial lining and other soft tissues. Due to its ability to help regulate the accumulation of calcium in the blood, Vitamin K2 has demonstrated an increase in arterial elasticity and a reduction in age-related arterial stiffening.[1] The addition of Vitamin K2 to a high calcium regimen promotes arterial flexibility and elasticity and could correct unbalanced amounts of calcium in the body.

Dietary calcium has been linked to many health benefits and is most commonly known for its role in bone health. Supplementation has become very popular, as modern diets tend to fall short of the daily requirement for this valuable nutrient. Although supplementation is needed for some individuals, there are studies that suggest caution when considering supplementation. If the body is unable to take calcium from blood to build bone matrix, excessive calcium can cause issues by remaining in the blood or even accumulating in the walls of blood vessels and other tissues. Vitamin K2 is essential to bone density because it is needed to activate osteocalcin, a protein which helps take calcium from the blood to bind it to the bone matrix. Without the proper amounts of Vitamin K2, the calcium from supplementation is not able to be utilized for bone density. Vitamin K2 has been studied regarding bone health and has shown to stop bone loss in individuals with osteoporosis, maintain or even increase bone mineral density and decrease the risk of fractures. Recent research indicates a 65% reduction in the likelihood of a debilitating hip fracture in men and women with the highest Vitamin K2 consumption[2]. Other studies have demonstrated Vitamin K2 as an effective treatment for osteoporosis and prevention of fractures [3].

Rheumatoid Arthritis is characterized by infiltration of inflammatory cells into the joints, leading to synovial proliferation and progressive destruction of cartilage and bone [3]. It has been reported that Rheumatoid Arthritis synovial cells proliferate as fierce as tumor cells and this aggressive proliferation plays an important role in the development of the disease. Compounds which show the ability to inhibit this hyperplasia of synovial cells have potential to be a promising anti-rheumatoid arthritis therapy. There have been studies showing Vitamin K2 to have proapoptotic effects in various tumor cells as well as synovial cells.[3]

The synergistic relationship between Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 has been the focus of current research pertaining to cardiovascular and bone density health. The similar qualities they posess also assist in optimal absorption and use by the body.

In addition to the synergistic relationship of the ingredients, Vinco’s liposomal base, consisting of phosphatidyl choline, from Sunflower Oil, biologically wraps the nano-particle sized acitve ingredients. This process enahnces solubility and bioavailability for even better absorption.

[1] Maresz, K., PhD. (february 2015). Proper Calcium Use: Vitamin K2 as a Promoter of Bone and Cardiovascular Health. Integrative Medicine,14(1), 34-39.

[2] Adams, J., Pepping, J. (August 2005). Vitamin K in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis and arterial calcification. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 62(15), 1574-1581. doi:10.2146/ajhp040357

[3] Okamoto, H. (june 2008). Vitamin K and Rheumatoid Arthritis. IUBMB Life,60(6), 355-361.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

David Pietron